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There are only two endorsements I will seek.

The first endorsement is from my family.
My running for Commissioner was discussed in detail with my family.  They understand how much time and energy it will take to campaign, and then serve the people of the County after being elected.  My family understands how important this is to me, and it is because of their understanding I will be able to serve you.

The second and only endorsement I still seek is your endorsement on June 1st.  Any endorsement may come with an implicit (or even explicit) expectation to do the bidding of the endorser. The only debt I want to bring to the Commission is to the people of Santa Fe County. I believe I can be fair and work with special interest groups, weighing their goals with the overall needs of the County.

I will respond to requests from any community organization for information.  Any information in the hands of any voter (even if the organization doesn't endorse me) is good. Should I get their endorsement, I will work closely to understand any expectations the group may have. I will then decide whether to accept it.

My pledge to openness is to post all questionnaires; you may read them here.


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